Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Thousand Generations

"Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations;"
1 Chronicles 16:15

In my last entry on the thought of "Be ye" I posted this verse. That phrase "a thousand generations" really caught my attention. That's a long time.

In the genealogy of Christ listed in Matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3, we can calculate that the time from Adam to Jesus was 63 generations. A time period of roughly 4,000 years covered only 63 generations.

I have often sat bewildered trying to understand a generation that assumes that God should adjust Himself for the times. But He said He commanded his word to a thousand generations.

I for one am immeasurably grateful that I have a God who never changes.

We Have an Anchor
by Pricilla Owens

We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love."

Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?

It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;
And the cables, passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy that blast, thro’ strength divine.

It will surely hold in the Straits of Fear—
When the breakers have told that the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.

It will firmly hold in the Floods of Death—
When the waters cold chill our latest breath,
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the Veil.

When our eyes behold through the gath’ring night
The city of gold, our harbor bright,
We shall anchor fast by the heav’nly shore,
With the storms all past forevermore.

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